Location of Serial Number
Serial number is of the format "A1234567890"
Serial Number can also be found under the electronics panel cover
• Flexible
• Portable
• Robust (protected narrow head)
• Multi-positioning (with removable plate)
2wb: 1” max.
4ws:1” max.
6 - 43 mm (0.236 - 1.693”)
110 t
+20 mm (+0.787”)
59 mm (2.323”)
60 mm (2.362”)
15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 39*
*Master dies used as die-set No.39
540 x 400 x 225 mm
(21 x 16 x 9”)
800 x 600 x 830 mm
(31 x 24 x 33”)
28 kg (62 lb)
21 kg (46 lbs)
*Indicative capacities depending on hose and fitting type