Location of Serial Number
Serial number is of the format "A1234567890"
Serial Number can also be found under the electronics panel cover
• Robust
• Easy to use
• Compact
• Large space for 14 stamps
• Stamp holder with numbering wheel; 3 figures on the wheel + 1 groove for stamps
2wb: 4” max.
4ws: 4” max.
390 x 360 x 520 mm
(15 x 14 x 20”)
800 x 600 x 830 mm
(31 x 24 x 33”)
34 kg (75 lb)
50 kg (110 lb)
2 x 14 stamps
6 x 3 mm (0.236 x 0.118”)
2.5 mm (0.098”)
Optional stamp holder with numbering wheel: 3 figures on the wheel and one groove for 10 stamps
Includes stamp box of 100 stamps & 20 blanks